Roof Shampoo® eco-friendly roof cleaning is a business that can thrive in any economy.

  • Be Successful in a Weak or Strong Economy

    If you are looking for a hedge on current inflation, this is the perfect service to offer your customers as increasing costs can make getting a new roof out of reach for many. Keep your revenue flowing and your crews busy by providing eco-friendly Roof Shampoo® services — while at the same time fostering trusting relationships with your customers that can lead to future projects.

  • Freedom

    Enjoy the freedom that comes with building or expanding your own business with exclusive territory in the thriving home-services industry. No royalties, franchise fees or micro managing since this is a dealership opportunity and not a franchise. Roof Shampoo® contractors are independent contractors. You manage your business your way!

  • High Demand

    Offer Roof Shampoo® eco-friendly roof cleaning to residential and commercial customers and provide a service that is in high demand while at the same time is thoughtful of environmental concerns. Watch your core customer base grow!

  • Exclusive Territory

    You'll have access to our high-quality, proprietary, eco-friendly Roof Shampoo® products in your own exclusive territory. No chlorine bleach and no phosphates! You will also have the option of purchasing professional Roof Shampoo® marketing materials. In addition, your company name and contact information will be published on our main site at as the exclusive Roof Shampoo® provider in your area.

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It all begins with you contacting us to discuss the details and telling us about your background and experience. This is a high profit margin opportunity reserved for contractors and entrepreneurs who are starting a new business or who desire to expand their current offerings. Adding Roof Shampoo® roof cleaning to an existing business not only opens up lucrative new revenue streams, but also gives you that competitive edge to further distinguish your company from the competition.


By being the only Roof Shampoo® contractor in your area, your marketing and advertising efforts go directly back to you. Our proprietary Roof Shampoo® soap is ONLY available to authorized Roof Shampoo® contractors, giving your company a decidedly competitive edge.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to lock in your territory.
Due to our aggressive expansion plans, territory is going fast so act now to lock in your territory. Be the exclusive company in your area to offer professional Roof Shampoo® roof cleaning services that many homeowners need NOW.